主页 > imtoken苹果版最新版 > 如何看待融资融券和股指期货对我国资本市场的影响.docx


imtoken苹果版最新版 2023-01-18 16:43:50


1、1.融资融券对股市影响的介绍 什么是融资融券?是指证券公司将资金出借给投资者,供其购买证券,或者借出证券供其出售的经营活动。这种业务活动成为融资融券交易,也称为信用交易。融资可以扩大您的经营规模。例如,当你看好一只股票,想大举投资,但手头没有多少资金时,可以向券商借钱买股票。当股票上涨到目标价时,你可以卖出股票来还清贷款。放大你的收入。证券借贷为您通过做空股票赚钱创造了条件。当你做空某只股票时,你可以向券商借入股票,然后卖出,下跌后,你可以将股票买回券商获得差价。融资:客户以信用账户中的资金或证券作为抵押,向证券公司申请融资购买;证券公司在与结算公司结算时,使用“证券公司融资专用账户”中的自有资金为客户垫付融资。

2、支付资金;客户通过融资购买的证券作为向证券公司融资的抵押品,并登记在“客户信用证券汇总账户”中,同时新增对应的客户二级子账户。客户可以通过直接还款或卖券还款的方式还款。在直接还款的情况下,客户将资金划入“证券公司融资专用账户”,用于偿还客户的部分或全部融资。 “客户贷记资金汇总账户”,同时添加对应的客户二级子账户。证券借贷:客户以信用账户中的资金或证券作为抵押,向证券公司申请卖出证券;证券公司与结算公司进行结算时,使用其“证券公司融券专用账户”中的自有证券。为客户预付证券;客户卖出证券所得资金存入“客户信用资金汇总账户”,作为证券公司借出证券的抵押品。

3、”,同时记录客户端对应的二级子账号。客户可以通过购买券和还券的方式来偿还证券。客户通过“客户信用证券账户”申请购票,从“客户信用证券汇总账户”购买的证券纳入“融券融券专用账户”。 3月24日召开的融资融券启动前动员座谈会确定,首批6家试点融券公司将采用固定融资利率7.86%和融券利率9. 86%。尽管央行6个月内基准贷款利率4.86%分别上调了3个和5个百分点,但符合海外成熟市场的惯例,也得到了相关负责人的认可。部门,但股市毕竟是高风险的投资场所。自然会“吓跑”一些相对安全的投资者。融资融券对股市的积极影响1抑制暴涨

4、融资融券双向交易体系,让股市同时竞争两种力量,可以在一定程度上抑制股市涨跌。在完善的市场体系下,融资融券可以起到稳定价格的作用。当市场过度投机导致某只股票价格暴涨时,投资者可以通过融券方式卖出该股票,导致股价下跌;相反,当一只股票被市场高估时,投资者可以通过融资购买该股票,从而促使股价上涨。 2、改变单边市场格局,填补“空头”机制的空白。普通股票交易必须先买后卖。股价上涨时容易获利,但股价下跌时,要么切肉止损,要么等待价格再次上涨。融资融券制度推出后,投资者可以先借入股票卖出,等股价真正下跌后再买回给证券公司。这意味着

5、即使在股价下跌、改变单边市场状况时也能获利。融资融券为投资者提供了一种卖空机制。只要认为股价被高估,他们就可以卖空,这对股价单边上涨构成阻力。它不仅提供了一种有利可图的金融工具,还有助于股价更接近其真实价值。岗位三、保障多渠道资金的投资收益,缓解市场资金压力。融资融券可以为投资者提供融资,为市场带来资本增值,有助于激活证券市场。但融资融券或助推涨跌,将加剧市场波动,助长投机行为。证券公司的融资渠道现在可以有资金等多种方式,所以融资的放行和银行资金的入市也将分两步进行。在股市低迷时期,对于基金等需要调资的机构来说,既能解决其燃眉之急,又能带来相当不错的投资回报。 4、刺激A股交易活跃,构建盈利新模式,筹建融资融券利好

6、增强证券市场活跃度,促进证券市场功能进一步发展和市场长期稳定健康发展。有利于证券公司扩大经营范围,完善证券公司盈利模式,促进证券公司规范发展。融资融券业务本身对市场走势有放大作用,市场波动性明显加大,也将培育新的盈利模式。短期内,其对市场的提振作用将更加明显。 5拓宽证券公司盈利渠道,改善证券公司生存环境。融资融券业务一旦上线,将为证券公司带来更多商机。交易量的增加将增加证券公司的经纪业务收入,这将对证券市场的发展产生负面影响。一定的推广。因此,融资融券业务除了给券商带来大量佣金收入和息差收入外,还能产生很多产品创新机会,为自营业务降低成本和对冲提供可能。此外,还有

7、可以为经纪商赢得更多客户。 6 完善多层次证券市场,增强证券市场国际竞争力 融资融券制度是现代多层次证券市场的基础,也是解决结构性供需矛盾的配套政策新旧分开后必然会出现不平衡。融资融券系统的推出,将有利于证券期货行业的深度融合,加快金融混业经营时代的到来,加快我国证券市场的国际化进程。融资融券的推出丰富了市场现有的指数体系,有利于投资者全面掌握市场运行情况,进一步为指数投资产品的创新发展提供了基础条件。此次融资融券对股市的负面影响 1 强烈投机可能加剧市场波动。虽然普遍认为融资融券具有稳定市场的作用,但如果相关制度设计不当,监管不力,也可能起到助涨助跌的负面作用,从而加剧市场行情。波动性并带来更广阔的市场。

8、 系统性风险。它可能使市场操纵等非法活动更容易发生。在融资融券交易方式下,实际操纵市场所需的资金和证券比现金交易方式下要小,更容易发生市场操纵。对于融券商来说,散布不利于上市公司的信息期货平仓和反手再买入区别,可以打压股价,使其盈利,进而可能强化作案者散布虚假信息的动机。 2 保证金交易和证券借贷可能导致市场操纵和内幕交易。在融资融券下,操纵市场所需的实际资金和证券比现金交易下的要小,因此内幕交易和市场操纵变得更容易。融资融券业务成为幕后交易的帮凶,损害了广大投资者的利益。从理论上讲,只要有足够的资金,做多就能成功,但不一定能成功出货。再多的资金也不一定能成功做空,因为某只股票的筹码是有限的。因此,它可能会在未来出现

9、 明明是合理的卖空,却遭遇满庄期货一样的空头挤压。同时,融资融券业务实施后,融资相对容易,庄家可以用更少的资金来操纵股市。 3、融券交易的不对称可能加剧股市动荡。实践中,融券交易不平等,促进“做多”效果明显。成熟市场的经验表明,所谓的融券交易只是一小部分,只是起到装饰作用。发生的绝大多数事情是融资交易。一般来说,只要满足条件,投资者就可以筹集资金购买股票。但如果你想卖出股票,那可能是不可能的。因为,如果证券公司没有相应的股票,就无法借给投资者。证券公司融资成本容易控制;但证券借贷的风险要大得多。因此,从证券公司的角度来看,投资者当然希望为交易融资。过去,很多投资者有长期补仓的习惯,而融资交易却是

10、可以满足满仓需求。在融资业务单飞的情况下,势必会加剧证券市场的动荡。 4、客户信用缺失可能给证券公司造成损失。融资融券业务要求证券公司内部控制机制健全,风险管理能力强,相关制度执行力强。证券公司如果管控不善,容易引发客户违约、市场波动、系统运行等方面的风险。证券公司在融资交易中,使用自有资金或依法募集资金为客户提供融资,可能面临融资客户到期无法归还融资资金,甚至无法偿还质押后获得的资金的风险。证券不足以偿还融资资金。信用风险,证券公司可能因此遭受一定的资产损失。 5 市场交易量的扩大可能导致业务规模失控。由于市场交易量的扩大和新的监控要求的引入,交易结算技术系统的复杂性增加,负载增加,可能会出现故障和错误

11、增加了功能。在证券信用交易中,证券公司是资金或证券的提供者。信用交易客户越多、业务规模越大,证券公司承担的客户信用风险、资金流动性风险和管理风险就越大。 6、资金受限可能带来流动性困难。证券公司开展融资业务的资金以自有资金和境外募集资金为主,自有资金有限。证券公司从外部筹集的资金通常是有限的。如果这些资金在到期日仍因信用交易而被客户占用,证券公司无法及时获得新的融资渠道,将给公司带来流动性困难。 . 7 新的软硬件可能会给业务管理和业务运营带来风险。由于支持融资融券新业务的软硬件可能是全新的,在信用交易中,证券公司缺乏相关的内控制度或制度不完善,或执行能力不足,或缺乏必要的信息技术

12、技术系统或信息技术系统功能不完善,或熔断证券价格下跌等,可能给证券公司经营管理带来风险;技术系统操作不当,或出现平仓错误等,也可能带来业务经营风险。 8、强行平仓可能导致委托人与客户发生纠纷。在融资交易中,由于市场价格下跌,证券公司往往会强行平仓客户信用账户中的证券,被平仓的证券卖出后大幅反弹。也可能发生。因此,证券公司和投资者可能在平仓通知时间、证券平仓范围、证券平仓顺序、证券平仓时间、证券平仓时机等方面与投资者发生争议,甚至可能导致索赔。 9、利益驱动可能导致分支机构非法融资。由于证券信用交易业务的交易量放大效应,在巨大的利益驱动下

13、为扩大分行业务规模,在资金渠道相对有限的情况下,可能会出现非法融资。 10、新业务可能带来宏观管理的疏漏 融资融券市场运作新模式对宏观管理能力提出了更高的要求。在市场运作的初期,由于缺乏经验,包括自律组织在内的监管者更容易出现决策失误和执行不力的情况。由此引发的批评和指责甚至与融资融券交易本身有关,推出这种交易方式的必要性和可行性疑虑可能更多。 2.股指期货对我国资本市场的影响未来时间按双方事先约定的股票价格计算。用于交易股票指数的标准化协议合约。买多卖空:由于期货是双向交易机制,交易方向产生了买多卖空的概念。



16、进入机构投资者主导的时代。 2.满足投资者规避市场风险需求 由于我国股市还不够成熟,股价和大盘波动剧烈,信息披露仍不规范,各类信息影响较大,对市场的影响。近两三年来,海外股市对沪深股市的影响力也越来越大。在这种情况下,投资者需要新的工具来规避市场风险,而股指期货就是这方面的有效工具。股指期货上市后,为防止股票买入后股价下跌,投资者可利用股指期货与股票现货市场之间的套期保值机制,做空股指期货;买入股指期货,以达到降低和控制市场风险的目的。 3.有利于创造性地培育机构投资者,促进股市规范发展我国目前正在积极推动机构投资者的发展和创新,投资基金、保险

17、基金和三类公司相继进入股市。股指期货的设立,将为他们提供低成本的套期保值渠道和资产组合调整方式,有利于他们进行多元化的长期投资,真正开始稳定市场。另一方面,如果散户只投资少数几只股票,股指期货的套期保值作用就会减弱。为充分发挥期货作为对冲工具的作用,散户将逐步加入投资基金,增加持股种类和数量,从而促进投资基金的发展和投资制度化的兴起。 4.将同时增加股指期货和股票现货市场的活跃度。从历史经验来看,股指期货的推出将推动股指期货和股票现货交易量同步增长。这是因为股指期货交易后,利用股指和股市进行套利是低风险操作,会吸引大量套利资金;

18、指的是对股票的套期保值作用,这让很多大型机构更加大胆地建立股票头寸。股指期货带来的新增成交量将共同提升两个市场的活跃度,形成股票市场和期货市场成交量的双向推动。 5.股指期货的推出为投资者提供了在牛市和熊市中获利的机会。在我国,投资者只能在牛市中获利,在熊市中损失惨重。在过去五年的漫长熊市中,由于缺乏必要的对冲产品,股指暴跌时,投资者被大量被套,损失惨重。股指期货的发展,让投资者在牛熊两头都有机会获利,有利于激发投资者的投资热情,吸引场外资金,有利于促进保险资金和社保专注于长期投资。基金等机构投资者进入证券市场,最终有利于证券市场的成熟和合理

19、投资主体的培育与发展。股指期货对我国资本市场的负面影响1.造成资金挤出效应作为一种新型金融产品,股指期货的推出必然导致市场资金的分流。新兴市场股指期货在起步阶段,由于股指期货交易成本低、保证金比例低、杠杆倍数高,往往会产生交易转移效应,即从股票中吸引资金。市场流向股指期货市场,从而使股市更有利可图。交易量大减,流动性大减,造成“资本挤出效应”。 2.机构投资者规模小,股指期货可能引发过度投机。由于股指期货的杠杆效应,期货交易实行保证金制度。交易者只需支付一定比例的期货合约价值作为保证金(通常为5%)即可进行交易。这种小而广的高杠杆效应,只要在股市里有那么一点点

20、 波动,期货市场的资金账户会有巨大的波动,所以这是一个很大的投机诱惑机会,很容易导致很多投机者把股指期货当成一个工具 进行投资操作,只要股市出现剧烈价格波动,就可能无法承担巨额亏损和违约,后果不堪设想。但是,我国目前的证券市场,主要是一些中小投资者,他们抵御股指期货市场风险的能力有限。期货交易的杠杆效应是其区别于其他投资工具的主要标志,也是股指期货市场高风险的主要原因。 3.股指期货风险监管经验不足 股指期货对我国期货市场乃至整个金融市场来说都是新鲜事物。目前,市场上大家都对股指期货寄予厚望,希望股指期货的推出能给我国期货市场和证券市场带来质的飞跃


22、管理经验会使风险难以控制。 一、对股市的影响 1 对股市资金规模的影响 由于股指期货具有交易成本低、保证金比例低、杠杆倍数高的特点,股指期货的推出将减少一些偏好短期高风险的投资。从股市到期货市场,会有一定的资金挤出效应,股市的资金会流向期货市场,导致股市暂时失血。这发生在日本早期。股指期货还有另一个作用,就是吸引场外资金。由于股指期货为投资者提供了规避风险的工具,扩大了选择范围,将吸引大量场外资金大幅介入股市。此外,还可以减少一级市场的资金积累。 . 2 对股市流动性的影响 境外股指期货发展经验表明,股指期货与股市交易是相辅相成、相辅相成的。股指

23、由于对套利、对冲和其他投资策略的高需求,期货通过增加股票交易的需求来增加股票市场的流动性。 3 对股市结构的影响 股指期货的推出将加剧股市的两极分化,资金配置将严重偏向指数股,蓝筹股的资本积累程度将进一步提升我国股市的一个重要特点是,股指由少数大盘蓝筹股带动。因此,经常出现大多数股票下跌而股指上涨的情况。股指期货推出后,机构投资者的套期保值、套利操作将大大增加现货市场对指数股的需求,推高指数股价格,进而吸引大量散户追随。向上,进一步推动股价上涨;非指数股的活跃度将日益萎缩,小盘股的流动性将逐渐流失并慢慢被边缘化。股指期货的推出将改变以往单边市场的格局,投资主体

24、和多元化的投资模式,市场的游戏规则会更加合理。各种风险收益偏好不同的投资主体可以利用股指期货这一有力工具来选择自己需要的投资组合,从而对冲风险,达到符合其资金性质的风险收益比。投资模式也扩展到对冲、套利和投机,市场的深度和广度将大大扩展。 4. Impact on stock price volatility Stock index futures have the effect of "boosting up and down" in the short term, stabilizing stock prices in the long run, and making stock market valuations more reasonable. In the short term, stock index futures will help rise in bull markets and fall in bear markets. Stock index futures have the characteristics of high leverage and low cost. In a bull market, investors buy stock index futures, and arbitrageurs will sell futures and buy stocks, thus accelerating the rise of the stock index; while in a bear market, investors are bearish on the market and will A large number of stock index futures are sold, and arbitrageurs will buy stock index futures and sell the spot, thus promoting the increase in the spot index

25、Falling down. However, the launch of stock index futures can only be said to amplify the ups and downs of the stock market, and does not determine the ups and downs. In the long run, the introduction of stock index futures diversifies investment strategies of investors, strengthens the information transmission mechanism in the spot market, and the existence of programmed trading, arbitrage trading and other trading methods make it impossible for prices to deviate too far from the basic value. If the stock index price is overvalued or If the price is undervalued, arbitrageurs will immediately react to pull its price back to a reasonable level, so the pricing efficiency of the stock market will be improved. Through foreign experimental research, it is found that the existence of the futures market accelerates the equilibrium of the spot market, reduces the bubble component in the stock market, avoids the blindness of spot price changes and market speculation, and makes the spot market tend to have a long-term trend. less volatility. 5 Influence on stock prices The key factor affecting the trend of my country's stock market is China's macroeconomic situation, such as economic growth rate, interest rate, exchange rate and policy factors, industry prospects

26、, corporate profitability and other economic fundamentals. Stock index futures are investors' expectations for stock market prices, which by themselves cannot change the fundamentals of the economy. Therefore, in the long run, the launch of stock index futures will not fundamentally change the price trend of the stock market. However, we should also be wary of the short-term market chaos during the running-in process of the index market and the stock market in the early stage of the launch of stock index futures, which leads to increased uncertainty in the stock market and causes the stock market price to rise and fall. On the other hand, investors must have keen market insight, see the situation clearly, do not blindly invest or withdraw, and rationally make strategic adjustments to their investment portfolios in accordance with changes in the market structure to avoid unnecessary losses. , the Shanghai Composite Index and Shenzhen Component Index have maintained a volatile upward trend. However, while the general trend is upward, the upcoming stock index futures will rapidly promote the structural adjustment of the stock market. Due to the functions of stock index futures for hedging and hedging, the index

27、The demand for constituent stocks will greatly increase, so that constituent stocks have more opportunities than non-constituent stocks. Institutional investors will invest more in these stocks, and a large amount of capital will be concentrated in constituent stocks. , therefore, the stock prices of the constituent stocks have the momentum to continue to rise, while the non-constituent stocks are in danger of being withdrawn from the funds, and the downward pressure on the stock prices is greater. 6 Impact on brokerage business Brokerages may enter the stock index futures market through brokers and dealers, which means the expansion of brokerage business scope and the increase of revenue sources, and will also have a certain impact on the traditional business of brokerages. After the mainstream investment concept in the market gradually shifts to value investment, investors' demand for information and research will increase. Therefore, for the brokerage business of securities companies, the current low-level competition mainly focusing on attracting customers will create new opportunities for talent, information and service innovation. replaced by comprehensive competitive advantages. 二、Impact on the fund market As far as fund companies are concerned, the value of stock index futures is mainly reflected in hedging and

28、Index arbitrage. With the rational use of hedging strategies, funds can short-sell stock index futures to defend against the risks brought by the decline of the broader market, or to hedge against the downside risks of the investment portfolio. Through index arbitrage, the fund can also obtain a certain risk-free return. In addition, stock index futures products will help index funds reduce tracking errors and improve their market position, which will undoubtedly promote the development of index funds. From a more profound perspective, stock index futures will further improve the effectiveness of market operations, thereby creating a better investment environment for fund investment. However, the historical experience of international developed capital markets shows that public funds generally do not participate in stock index futures on a large scale. my country's public funds will also face stock index futures with a very cautious attitude. First of all, the relevant rules only provide guiding opinions and the definition of investment ratio for the fund's investment in stock index futures. The specific investment process and investment method need to be further refined by the fund company. After the real launch of stock index futures, the fund company

29、The company still needs a period of time to make corresponding preparations in areas such as risk control, and may not be involved in stock index futures investment immediately. Secondly, public funds usually pursue stable value growth, and excessive pursuit of the speculative trading function of stock index futures actually goes against the essence of the fund. Now, public funds, which are used as financial management tools for residents, are more and more "retail-oriented", with individual investors holding nearly 90%. Under this investor pattern, if public funds use stock index futures tools on a large scale, it will change the risk-return characteristics of the fund and allow investors to take risks that they should not take. 三、Impact on bank credit market CFFEX adopts the current internationally accepted tiered model of clearing members/non-clearing members, and clarifies that commercial banks can become special clearing members to serve trading members or investors with membership qualifications , participating in the futures trading settlement business, which marks the official entry of my country's commercial banks into the futures trading settlement business field. Commercial Bank

30、 Entering the stock index futures market, the most direct impact is reflected in the deposit business and the intermediary business. In terms of deposit business, since the main job of special clearing members is to manage customer margins, margins have become a new source of liabilities for commercial banks. This liability is a good source of funding, given the stability of the margin and its relatively low interest rate. In terms of intermediary business, as a commercial bank as a special clearing member, handling fees can become a new source of intermediary business development, which is conducive to the transformation of the business profit model. In the long run, the development of stock index futures will help commercial banks in business expansion and product innovation. One is asset management business, which can provide customers with high-end cash asset management business by setting up futures management accounts and initiating the establishment of futures investment funds. Quoting the buying and selling price and completing the matching and closing; the third is investment consulting business, which provides customers with information services or financial planning solutions; the fourth is financing services, which provides compliant financing services for customers with good credit according to regulatory policies. Further consolidate the relationship with high-quality customers; fifth, develop self-operated business and become a market maker in the financial futures market, which can create investment transaction opportunities for customers. Conclusion: After the launch of stock index futures, in addition to enhancing the liquidity and stability of the stock market, it will also improve the development level and level of the capital market, and the integration and interaction of the futures market, the stock market and the currency market will be further intensified. At the same time, various hedging and arbitrage behaviors with institutional investors as the main body will become more active, which is conducive to improving the structure of investment entities in my country's securities market, greatly accelerating the process of institutionalization, and making institutional gaming the mainstream of market investment.